Common Types of Skincare Products and Why They Matter

Taking care of your skin can feel overwhelming at first. There are so many different skincare products out there, and it can be hard to know what’s right for you. However, before you go and purchase anything, it’s important to know the most common types of skincare products and why they matter. Let’s explore some of the most common skincare products and what they do for your skin.


Sunscreen is an incredibly important part of any skincare routine, but it’s often forgotten. The sun emits dangerous UV radiation at all times that damage your skin. UV radiation passes through the skin and kills your skin cells. Your body’s natural response is to produce more melanin and “tan” your skin. Eventually, your skin will become sunburnt. Sun damage is the quickest way to age your skin. Thankfully, sunscreen is designed to absorb and disperse UV radiation. That way, your skin is protected. Make sure you are using at least 30 SPF broad-band spectrum sunscreen for the best results.


Using a cleanser is one of the most important parts of proper skincare. Your skin develops a buildup of dead skin cells, debris, and oil. The last thing you want to do is apply skincare products on top of all this buildup and lock it in. That’s why a cleanser is so important. A cleanser will break this buildup down and help your products penetrate your skin better.


Moisturizers could be seen as the best friend of a cleanser. Moisturizers are used to hydrate and create a protective barrier for the skin. It’s important to use a cleanser before moisturizing to ensure you’re not locking in debris. Moisturizers come in many different forms, but a basic hydrating cream is a good place to start.

Taking Care of Your Skin

If you were to pick just three products to take care of your skin, then a cleanser, moisturizer, and sunscreen would be the best choice for a basic skincare routine. That being said, there are so many different types of products that you can take advantage of for better skin. That’s why our team at Park Meadows Aesthetics makes it easy by helping you decide what skincare products are best for your needs. Our staff will help assess your skin and your skincare goals to determine the best treatment for you. If you are ready to up your skincare game, contact Park Meadows Aesthetics at 303-662-8668 today.

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