Tone, Rejuvenate, and Perform: Top Treatments for Men

Handsome and confident man June is Men’s Health Month. Is there a better time to focus on helping guys look and feel great? We don’t think so! That’s why we’ve gathered some highly requested treatments and services that can keep you at the top of your game.

CoolSculpting® Elite to Treat Gynecomastia and Excess Fat

If you’re struggling to make your chest look toned through diet and exercise, CoolSculpting® might be the perfect solution. It can eliminate excess fat for a more masculine appearance and help your hard work shine. Some men find that it’s a good non-surgical alternative to male breast reduction surgery.

Or course, you don’t have to stop at treating your pecs. CoolSculpting® can be used on many different problem areas. It’s a discreet and downtime-free way to achieve your body goals.

BOTOX® Cosmetic for Unwanted Facial Wrinkles

The number of men getting BOTOX® Cosmetic is on the rise. According to some estimates, men in the United States get more than half a million of these types of injections every year. That’s enough to give rise to the term “BROTOX.”

The truth is that BOTOX® Cosmetic is a great way to turn back the clock. It reduces the appearance of lines and wrinkles for a younger look. You might consider this treatment to maintain a competitive edge in the workplace or look your best for your online dating profiles.

IV Therapy for Athletic Performance and Recovery

It’s no secret that Colorado guys are active. Whether you’re into climbing, biking, or running, IV therapy can help you dominate your sport. As the name suggests, our Recovery & Performance blend can decrease your recovery time and enhance your athletic performance.

Keep in mind that the voluntary use of IV fluids is prohibited at some championship-level events. It can also be a no-go when prize money is on the line. But in most cases, a recovery drip is a perfectly acceptable wellness tool to add to your routine.

What’s Your Next Play? Scheduling a Free Consultation!

Schedule a complimentary consultation at 303-662-8668 to learn more about our services for men. Park Meadows Aesthetics proudly serves Denver, Lone Tree, and the surrounding areas of Colorado.

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