Treating a Double Chin With Kybella®

Loose skin on the chin and jaw is often referred to as a “double chin.” Excess fat on the chin is rarely medically dangerous, but it can affect your self-image and cause emotional distress. That’s why treatments like Kybella® exist to help remove that stubborn double chin. Let’s take a closer look at what Kybella is and how it can help a slimmer and more defined look.

Understanding Kybella

Kybella is a popular cosmetic injectable technique used to treat fat underneath the chin. The process is non-surgical and minimally invasive. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring molecule inside the body that breaks down dietary fat. Kybella takes advantage of this in the form of a cosmetic injection. Kybella is injected underneath the chin and uses deoxycholic acid to break down fat to reduce or eliminate a double chin. The process starts with a consultation with your medical provider to see if Kybella is suitable for you and what you want to achieve.

Once the consultation is complete, injection sites will be marked and sterilized. A numbing cream may be applied to reduce potential discomfort. Finally, the Kybella is injected into the fat deposits. The number of injections will vary depending on how much fat must be removed. This process will be repeated in a series of treatments across four to six weeks. This gives the body the appropriate amount of time to adjust and recover.

What Happens After and in Between Appointments?

After Kybella treatment, it’s common to experience some swelling or bruising around the chin. This can be helped by icing the area and avoiding blood thinners. It’s best to avoid things that will inhibit your recovery process, like alcohol, smoking, vitamin E supplements, and salty foods. While you should avoid anything strenuous for at least a week, the recovery from Kybella requires very little to no downtime.

Is Kybella Right for Me?

A double chin can be frustrating, especially after working hard to get your body in shape and fix your nutrition. Unfortunately, there is no way to target stubborn fat with exercise. That’s why our team at Park Meadows Aesthetics provides Kybella treatments to treat fat underneath the chin. Our staff will walk you through the entire process and discuss what recovery will look like. If you’re struggling with excess fat on your chin, contact Park Meadows Aesthetics at 303-662-8668 today.

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